We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more Deflecting responses shift the discussion to another topic. When we deflect from what we've been told, rather than acknowledging it, we can unintentionally communicate that we haven't listened and that we aren't interested. Deflecting shows that we're preoccupied with another topic Find 39 ways to say DISCUSSION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at blogger.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus
Primary and Secondary Resources - Research Process - LibGuides at Northcentral University
Examples of primary resources include scholarly research articles, books, discussion dissertation, and diaries. Primary sources such as research articles often do not explain terminology and theoretical principles in detail, discussion dissertation. Thus, readers of primary scholarly research should have foundational knowledge of the subject area. Use primary resources to obtain a first-hand account to an actual event and identify original research done in a field.
For many of your papers, use of primary resources will be a requirement. Secondary sources describe, summarize, or discuss information or details originally presented in another source; meaning the author, in most cases, did not participate in the event. Refrain from including such resources in an annotated bibliography for doctoral level work unless there is a good reason, discussion dissertation.
This workshop introduces to discussion dissertation beginning stages of the research process, focusing on identifying different types of information, as well as gathering background information through electronic books, discussion dissertation. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Discussion dissertation, and Edge.
If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. NCU Library LibGuides Library How-To Guides Research Process Primary and Secondary Resources Search this Guide Search. Research Process These pages offer an discussion dissertation to the research process at a very general level. Examples of a primary source are: Original documents such as diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, records, eyewitness accounts, autobiographies Discussion dissertation scholarly works such as research articles, clinical reports, case studies, dissertations Creative works such as poetry, music, video, photography How to locate primary research in NCU Library: From the Library's homepage, begin your search in Roadrunner Search or select a subject-specific database from the A-Z Databases.
Once you have a set of search results, remember to look for articles where the author has conducted original research. A primary research article will include a literature discussion dissertation, methodology, population or set sample, test or measurement, discussion of findings and usually future research directions.
Secondary Sources Secondary sources describe, summarize, discussion dissertation, or discuss information or details originally presented in another source; meaning the author, in most cases, did not participate in the event. Beginning the Resarch Process Workshop This workshop introduces to the beginning stages of the research process, focusing on identifying different types of information, as well as gathering background information through electronic books.
Beginning the Research Process Workshop Outline. Report a problem.
Writing a discussion for a research paper or thesis
, time: 11:56
Nov 22, · Primary resources contain first-hand information, meaning that you are reading the author’s own account on a specific topic or event that s/he participated in. Examples of primary resources include scholarly research articles, books, and diaries We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more Find 39 ways to say DISCUSSION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at blogger.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus
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